Your child means the world to you. That’s why you work so hard to make sure that they have everything that they need to thrive as they grow and develop. When you and the other parent decide to divorce, it can make parenting a little tougher, and reaching out to a trusted, local family law… Read more »
Category: Custody
Understanding Child Support In Connecticut
If you and the other parent of a shared child have decided to end things, it can be an emotional roller coaster. This is more than just an everyday breakup, there is another life that depends on you two to come together and develop a plan that looks after their needs first and foremost. In… Read more »
Your Parental Rights Are Important
Choosing to have a child with your partner is a shared responsibility, ensuring the child has the necessary resources to mature into a healthy adult. This includes meeting the financial requirements associated with raising your child, which can sometimes involve monthly child support payments if you and the other parent are no longer together. Navigating… Read more »
Design A Parenting Plan With An Attorney
If you and the other parent of your child have split up, then it is time for you two to work together for the sake of your little one. That is not just a moral obligation, but a legal requirement here in the state of Connecticut, who wants to make sure that every child has… Read more »
Establishing Parental Rights In Connecticut
When you and your partner opt to have a child, the responsibility falls on both of you to make sure that the little one has the tools they need to grow into a healthy adult. That means that you need to make sure that you are fulfilling the financial obligations related to raising the child,… Read more »
Parenting Plans And How They Help
Here in the state of Connecticut, there are certain steps in the custody process. Our court system looks at the future of the child and makes decisions accordingly, and this means that your wishes come secondarily to the needs of your little one. This is not to say that you and the other parent do… Read more »
Child Support In Connecticut
When you split up with the other parent, it can be a real struggle emotionally. There are also financial implications to this, whether you two were previously married or not. In these situations, it is helpful to find a trusted attorney to help you to understand your options. Connecticut is like all other states in… Read more »
Navigating The Tougher Parts Of Splitting Up
Sometimes, the end of a marriage can be really difficult on one or both of the people involved. There may be serious emotional struggles, and there can also be situations where the law must come into play, as well. Divorce itself is a matter that is handled by the courts, but it is not always… Read more »
Crafting A Flexible Parenting Plan
When you and the other parent decide to end your relationship, it can be difficult to hammer out the details. Even if you have come to this conclusion together, reaching agreements in key areas can be a struggle on your own. This happens commonly with testy issues like financial division, and you want to make… Read more »
Making The Case For Sole Custody In Connecticut
When you and your former partner decide to call it quits, this action can have rippling effects on your life. If you are currently in the process of obtaining a divorce here in the state of Connecticut, you may learn that even beyond the emotional turmoil, there are things that you need to handle with… Read more »