Custody Modifications
While you thought your final divorce settlement was accurate and represented your family’s current situation, what you weren’t counting on was a significant change of circumstances, such as a spousal death or something beyond normal life changes. Changes to child custody, while not impossible, require a great level of proof and attention. Our office provides the proficiency and insight needed to properly address these changes to your judgment after the fact and produce the results that are in the best interest of your family.
Visitation and Exceptions
While changes to visitation are a bit more straightforward than custody modifications, they still require the correct combination of evidence and claim to effectively enforce. At Conlon Amendola, PLLC, we focus on providing everything you need to quickly and efficiently address visitation changes to accurately accommodate your family life.
Connect with Us About your Post-Judgment Modifications
The attorneys at our office have successfully represented clients in their parenting and custody modification issues. Though it may seem daunting, post-judgment modifications are common and should be addressed to most accurately represent your current family situation. For more information or to schedule an initial consultation with our office, contact us online or at (203) 803-2943 today to develop the best course of action for you.